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Macimorelin Posters



Thorough QT/QTc Study Evaluating the Effect of Macimorelin on Cardiac Safety Parameters in Healthy Participants - PubMed (

Current concepts of the diagnosis of adult growth hormone deficiency - PubMed (

Sensitivity and specificity of the macimorelin test for diagnosis of AGHD - PubMed (


Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of macimorelin in healthy adults: Results of a single-dose, randomized controlled study - PubMed (



American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology Guidelines for Management of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults and Patients Transitioning From Pediatric to Adult Care - PubMed (

Adult growth hormone deficiency: clinical advances and approaches to improve adherence - PubMed (

Growth Hormone Stimulation Tests in Assessing Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency - PubMed (

Diagnosis, Genetics, and Therapy of Short Stature in Children: A Growth Hormone Research Society International Perspective - PubMed (

Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults - PubMed (


Macimorelin as a Diagnostic Test for Adult GH Deficiency - PubMed (

Oat Beta Glucan and PGX Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications

(in reverse chronological order)

Couto R., Seifried B., Yépez B., Moquin P., Temelli F. Adsorptive precipitation of co-enzyme Q10 on PGX-processed β-glucan powder (2018) Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 141, pp. 157-165.

Liu N., Nguyen H., Wismer W., Temelli F. Development of an orange-flavoured functional beverage formulated with beta-glucan and coenzyme Q10-impregnated beta-glucan (2018) Journal of Functional Foods, 47, pp. 397-404.

Osorio D.A., Seifried B., Moquin P., Grandfield K., Cranston E.D. Morphology of cross-linked cellulose nanocrystal aerogels: cryo-templating versus pressurized gas expansion processing (2018) Journal of Materials Science, 53 (13), pp. 9842-9860.

Liu N., Couto R., Seifried B., Moquin P., Delgado L., Temelli F. Characterization of oat beta-glucan and coenzyme Q10-loaded beta-glucan powders generated by the pressurized gas-expanded liquid (PGX) technology (2018) Food Research International, 106, pp. 354-362.

Temelli F. Perspectives on the use of supercritical particle formation technologies for food ingredients (2018) The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 134, pp. 244-251.

Couto R., Seifried B., Moquin P., Temelli F. Coenzyme Q10 solubility in supercritical CO2 using a dynamic system (2018) Journal of CO2 Utilization, 24, pp. 315-320.

Liu N. Characterization and Functional Beverage Development using Coenzyme Q10-Impregnated Beta-glucan (2017) University of Alberta Master Thesis.

Osorio D.A. Cellulose Nanocrystal Aerogels: Processing Techniques and Bone Scaffolding Applications (2017) McMaster University Master Thesis. 

Bashir K.M.I., Choi J.S., Clinical and physiological perspectives of β-Glucans: the past, present, and future. (2017) International Journal of Molecular Science, 18, p. 1906.

Choromanska A., Kulbacka J., Harasym J., Oledzki R., Szewczyk A., Saczko J. High- and low-molecular weight oat beta-glucan reveals antitumor activity in human epithelial lung cancer (2017) Pathology & Oncology Research, 24, pp. 583-592.

Wang H., Chen Y., Xiang J., Lin Y., Wu X., Peng J. Oat β-glucan alleviates 5-Fluorouracil-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction in vivo (2017) International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology, 10, pp. 4312-4320

Ho H.V., Sievenpiper J.L., Zurbau A., Blanco Mejia S., Jovanovski E., Au-Yeung F., Jenkins A.L., Vuksan V. The effect of oat β-glucan on LDL-cholesterol, non-HDL-cholesterol and apoB for CVD risk reduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised-controlled trials (2016) British Journal of Nutrition, 116, pp. 1369–1382.

Whitehead A., Beck E.J., Tosh S., Wolever T.M.S. Cholesterol-lowering effects of oat β-glucan: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2014) The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 100, pp. 1413-1421.

Avenanthramides Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications

(in reverse chronological order)

El-Amir Y.O., Yahia D., Yousef M.S. Protective Effect of Avenanthramides against Cisplatin Induced Testicular Degeneration in Rats (2019) Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research, 9, pp. 14-22.

Yeo D., Kang C., Zhang T., Ji L.L. Avenanthramides attenuate inflammation and atrophy in muscle cells (2018) Journal of Sport and Health Science, in press, available online.

Perrelli A., Goitre L., Salzano A.M., Moglia A., Scaloni A., Retta S.F. Biological Activities, Health Benefits, and Therapeutic Properties of Avenanthramides: From Skin Protection to Prevention and Treatment of Cerebrovascular Diseases (2018) Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, pp. 1-17.

Scarpa E.S., Antonini E., Palma F., Mari M., Ninfali P. Antiproliferative activity of vitexin-2-O-xyloside and avenanthramides on CaCo-2 and HepG2 cancer cells occurs through apoptosis induction and reduction of pro-survival mechanisms (2018) European Journal of Nutrition, 57, pp. 1381-1395.

Tripathi V., Singh A., Ashraf M.T. Avenanthramides of oats: Medicinal importance and future perspectives (2018) Pharmacognosy Reviews, 12, pp. 66-71.

Kang C., Shin W.S., Yeo D., Lim W., Zhang T., Ji L.L. Anti-inflammatory effect of avenanthramides via NF-κB pathways in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells (2018) Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 117, pp. 30-36.

Thomas M., Kim S., Guo W., Collins F.W., Wise M.L., Meydani M. High levels of avenanthramides in oat-based diet further suppress high fat diet-induced atherosclerosis in Ldlr–/– mice (2018) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66, pp. 498–504.

Hastings J., Kenealey J. Avenanthramide-C reduces the viability of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells through an apoptotic mechanism (2017) Cancer Cell International, 17:93.

Hastings J., Kenealey J. Chemotherapeutic Effects of Avenanthramides on Breast Cancer Cells (2017) The FASEB Journal, 31, Issue 1_supplement.

Pellegrini G.G., Morales C.C., Wallace T.C., Plotkin L.I., Bellido T. Avenanthramides Prevent Osteoblast and Osteocyte Apoptosis and Induce Osteoclast Apoptosis in Vitro in an Nrf2-Independent Manner (2016) Nutrients, 8, 423.

Pellegrini G.G., Morales C.C., Johnson J., Wallace T.C., Bellido T. Avenanthramides 2c, 2f and 2p regulate osteoblast gene expression and survival in vitro (2016) The FASEB Journal, 30, Issue 1_supplement.

Thomas M., Kim S., Collins F.W., Wise M.L., Meydani M. In Vivo Suppression of Atherosclerosis by Dietary Oats Avenanthramides (2016) The FASEB Journal, 30, Issue 1_supplement.

Menon R., Gonzalez T., Ferruzzi M., Jackson E., Winder D., Watson J. Oats—From Farm to Fork (2016) Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 77, pp. 1-55.

Koenig R.T., Dickman J.R., Kang C-H., Zhang T., Chu Y-F., Ji L.L. Avenanthramide supplementation attenuates eccentric exercise-inflicted blood inflammatory markers in women (2016) European Journal of Applied Physiology, 116, pp. 67-76.

Boz H. Phenolic Amides (Avenanthramides) in Oats – A review (2015) Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 33, pp.399-404.

Koenig R.T., Dickman J.R., Kang C-H., Zhang T., Chu Y-F., Ji L.L. Avenanthramide supplementation attenuates exercise-induced inflammation in postmenopausal women (2014) Nutrition Journal, 13, p. 21.

Koenig R.T., Dickman J.R., Wise M.L., Ji L.L. Avenanthramides are bioavailable and accumulate in hepatic, cardiac, and skeletal muscle tissue following oral gavage in rats (2011) Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry, 59, 6438 – 6443.

Meydani M. Potential health benefits of avenanthramides of oats (2009) Nutrition Reviews, 67, pp. 731-735.

Sur R., Nigam A., Grote D., Liebel F., Southall M. D. Avenanthramides, polyphenols from oats, exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-itch activity (2008) Archives of Dermatological Research, 300, pp. 569–574.

Guo W., Wise M.L., Collins F.W., Meydani M. Avenanthramides, polyphenols from oats, inhibit IL-1β-induced NF-κβ activation in endothelial cells (2008) Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 44, pp. 415–429.

Kurtz E.S., Wallo W. Colloidal oatmeal: history, chemistry and clinical properties (2007) Journal Drugs Dermatology, 6, pp.167-170.

Dimberg L.H., Theander O., Lingnert H. Avenanthramides - a group of phenolic antioxidants in oats (1993) Cereal Chemistry, 70, pp. 637–641.

Collins F.W. Oat phenolics: avenanthramides, novel substituted N-cinnamoylanthranilate alkaloids from oat groats and hulls (1989) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 37, pp. 60-66.

Other Actives Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications

(in reverse chronological order)

Ciftci D., Flores R.A., Saldaña M.D.A. Cellulose Fiber Isolation and characterization from sweet blue lupin hull and canola straw (2018) Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 26, pp. 2773-2781.

Ciftci D., Ubeyitogullari A., Huerta R.R., Ciftci O.N., Flores R.A., Saldaña M.D.A. Lupin hull cellulose nanofiber aerogel preparation by supercritical CO2 and freeze drying (2017) The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 127, pp. 137-145.

Ciftci D., Saldaña M.D.A. Hydrolysis of sweet blue lupin hull using subcritical water technology (2015) Bioresource Technology. 194, pp. 75-82.

Chon S-H., Tannahill R., Yao X., Southall M.D., Pappas A. Keratinocyte differentiation and upregulation of ceramide synthesis induced by an oat lipid extract via the activation of PPAR pathways (2015) Experimental Dermatology. 24, pp. 290-295.

Robards K., Prenzler P., Ryan D., Kamal-Eldin A. Oat Oil (2009) in Moreau R., Kamal-Eldin A. Gourmet and health-promoting specialty oils, pp. 433-454.


Couto R., Wong E., Gebrehiwot Y., Liu Z., Seifried B., Yépez B., Moquin P. and Temelli F. Drying biopolymers with Pressurized Gas eXpanded (PGX) liquids: polysaccharides vs proteins (2019) Oral Presentation at European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, April 8, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Gebrehiwot Y., Couto R., Seifried B., Yépez B., Moquin P. and Temelli F. Pressurized Gas eXpanded (PGX) liquid drying of soy protein isolate (2019) Oral Presentation at European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, April 8, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Liu Z., Couto R., Seifried B., Yépez B., Moquin P. and Temelli F. Drying of sodium alginate using Pressurized Gas eXpanded (PGX) liquid technology (2019) Oral Presentation at European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, April 8, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Moquin P., Seifried B. PGX Technology: a disruptive green platform technology to generate tuneable nanoporous water-soluble biopolymer delivery systems for bioactives (2018) Poster Presentation at Society of Cosmetic Chemists’ 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting & Technology Showcase, December 12, NewYork, USA.

Temelli F., Seifried B. PGX Technology: A Case of University – Industry Partnership for Innovation (2018) Case Study CS 4 - Oral Presentation 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, April 22 – 25, Antibes, France.

Couto R., Wong E., Seifried B., Yépez B., Moquin P. and Temelli F. Preparation of PGX – dried gum Arabic and its loading with coQ10 by adsorptive precipitation (2018) Poster Presentation, 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, April 22 – 25, Antibes, France.

Seifried B. PGX Technology: Transforming Biomaterials (2017) Invited Talk at the SPARK Conference, November 6-8, Edmonton, AB.

Johnson K. Muzzin N., Cusack M., Hoare T., Latulippe D. Crosslinking of Pressurized Gas Expanded Liquid Polymer Morphologies to Create Macroporous Hydrogel Scaffolds (2017) Oral Presentation at 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE2017), October 22-25, Edmonton, Canada

Muzzin N., Johnson K., Hoare T., Latulippe D. Negatively-Templated Multiscale Porous Polymer Monoliths for Bioseparations (2017) Poster Presentation at 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE2017), October 22-25, Edmonton, Canada

Osorio D., Seifried B., Moquin P., Grandfield K., Cranston E. Cross-Linked Cellulose Aerogels for Bone Scaffolding Applications (2017) TAPPI International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Materials, 5-8 June, Montreal, Canada

Couto R. Seifried B., Yépez B., Moquin P and Temelli F. Impregnation of PGX processed β-glucan powder with co-enzyme Q10 (2017) Oral Presentation, 16th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2017), April 25 – 28, Lisbon, Portugal

Seifried B. PGX Technology: An Enabling Technology for Generating Biopolymer Fibrils, Particles, Aerogels and Nano-Composites (2016) Oral Presentation 15th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF2016), May 8-11, Essen, Germany.

Seifried B. PGX – Technology: a versatile technology for generating advanced biopolymer materials (2015) Oral Presentation, Composites at Lake Louise, November 8-12, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.

Couto R., Seifried B., Moquin P., Temelli F. Coenzyme Q10 solubility in supercritical CO2 using a dynamic system (2015) Abstract no: P-105. Poster presentation at the 11th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Oct. 11-14, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Seifried B. PGX – Technology: a platform technology for novel biopolymer applications (2015) Poster Presentation, Bio World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, July 19-22, Montreal, Canada.

Seifried B. PGX - Technology: a platform technology for novel biopolymer ingredients (2015) Oral Presentation, 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF12), June 14-18, Québec City, Canada.

Seifried B. PGX – Technology: an enabling technology for sustainable nanomaterials (2014) Poster Presentation at 9th BIO Pacific Rim Summit, December 7-9, San Diego, CA.

Seifried B. Novel Processing Technology for Sustainable Nano-Biomaterials (2014) Invited keynote talk at 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSChE), October 19-22, Niagara Falls,ON.

Seifried B., Temelli F. Novel Drying and Impregnation Technology for Water-Soluble Biopolymers (2014) Oral Presentation at 11th Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology (BIO), May 14, Philadelphia, USA. Session 4: Uses of Biopolymers in Industrial Applications.

Seifried B., Moquin P. Potential of CNC in Personal Care Products (2014) Oral Presentation at CNC Stakeholder Workshop, April 16th, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Seifried B., Temelli F. Novel Drying Technology for Water-Soluble Biopolymers (2013) Poster presentation at Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC 2013), September 15-18, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Seifried , Temelli F. Supercritical fluid drying of high molecular weight biopolymers for particle formation and delivery of bioactives (2012) Invited oral presentation at 10th International Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF), May 13-16, San Francisco (USA).

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