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Company Information


What is Aeterna Zentaris’ stock symbol?

  • Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq Capital Markets and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AEZS.


Can I buy stock directly from Aeterna Zentaris?

  • No, you will need to contact a licensed stockbroker or use an online trading account.


How can I buy stock in Aeterna Zentaris?

  • Through a licensed stockbroker or by using an online trading account.


How do I change the address on my shareholder account?

  • Through your brokerage account or by contacting our transfer agent.


When was Aeterna Zentaris incorporated?

  • September 12, 1990


When did Aeterna Zentaris become a public company?

  • May 1, 2000


Where is Aeterna Zentaris located?

  • USA: 

      Aeterna Zentaris, Inc.

      315 Sigma Drive

      Summerville, SC 29486


  • Germany:

       Aeterna Zentaris GmbH

       Weismüllerstrasse 50

       60314 Frankfurt, Germany

       +49 69 42602 3228

  • Canada:

​       c/o Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
       Aeterna Zentaris, inc.
       222 Bay Street, Suite 3000
      Toronto, Ontario
      M5K 1E7

When is Aeterna Zentaris’ fiscal year end?

  • December 31st


Who is Aeterna Zentaris’ transfer agent?

  • Computershare Trust Company of Canada

      1500 University Street 7th Floor

      Montreal, Quebec, H3A 3S8


      Tel: 800-564-6253 or 514-982-7555

      Fax: 416-263-9394 or 800-453-0330



Who are Aeterna Zentaris, Inc.'s independent auditors?

  • Deloitte LLP
    La Tour Deloitte
    1190 Avenue des Canadlens-de-Montreal Suite 500
    Montreal QC H3B OM7
    Tel: 514-393-7115


Who is Aeterna Zentaris Inc.'s outside legal counsel?

  • Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP / S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l.

       222 Bay Street, Suite 3000,

       P.O. Box 53

       Toronto, ON M5K 1E9



Whom can I contact for general information about Aeterna Zentaris, Inc.?

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